
This past weekend we were down a couple kiddos for various reasons and were left with mainly our youngest ones. A favorite dinner for them growing up has been octodogs and while reflecting that we almost don't have any little kiddos anymore, I decided that I should make this dinner one last time before they completely grow out of it. What I love about this meal is that it is quick, healthy, and full of fun for the kids! If you have picky eaters who don't like veggies, this is an easy way to get them to eat those veggies that we moms like to make sure every dinner gets. Because this dinner is so easy to make, you can get the kids involved with making it, which makes it that much more special to them. Make this the next time you are looking for a kid-friendly and fun meal to make and they will be sure to love it!

What's cooking in my kitchen this week:

What you'll need:
2 packages hotdogs
1 (16 oz) box small shell noodles
2 (12 oz) jar Alfredo sauce
1 (12 oz) bag frozen mixed veggies
1 (6.6 oz) bag goldfish

How to make it:
First, you need to prep the hotdogs to make them octodogs. Take the hotdog and put cut in middle of, leaving about three fingers width on top.

Turn hot dogs once, make sure previous cut is lined up and make another cut.

Then open up the four "legs" you have just made and cut each one in half to get eight "legs".

If all this doesn't make sense, check out the YouTube video I made to show you how:

Now that you've got your hotdogs transformed into octodogs, put in large pot and fill with water and place on stove. Boil on medium heat. Get another big pot of water boiling for the noodles and frozen veggies and another small pot with the Alfredo sauce to warm. Once pot of water for noodles is boiling, add noodles and frozen veggies.

Boil noodles and veggies for 10-11 minutes, until noddles are tender. Drain noodles and veggies, return to pot and add Alfredo sauce, mix until everything is coated.  At this point, the octodogs will look like they should.

You are ready to serve. Plate noodles and veggies and make flat even surface. Place octodog on top of noodles and arrange legs to help stand up. Take mustard and put two dots to make face. Sprinkle handful of goldfish all over plate. Enjoy!

Did you know?
On this day in 1905, Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Company registered "Pillsbury's Best" trademark (first used in 1873).


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