It's been a while!

So dear readers it's been a while since my last blog entry and I'm sorry for that. The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind, starting with me getting a very nasty stomach bug and being down for the count for days and then it was Thanksgiving. I was really happy to be pretty much recovered by then so that I could actually make our turkey dinner. In all the craziness, I didn't have time to prepare any recipes to share, but I am working on some new recipes and expect to be back in full force next week. I appreciate your understanding, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and yummy food, and will leave you with some pictures of our turkey dinner. We had much to be thankful for this year!

Started with homemade pies!

Brine for the turkey (this is the key to moist turkey!)

Turkey before getting roasted.

Turkey after being roasted and carved up.


More sides!

Munchies and desserts!

Did you know?
On this day in 1965, at 11 p.m. 17 year-old Dale Cummings began his record setting 14,118 consecutive sit-ups, finishing at 11 a.m. the following morning. Drinking only orange juice and ice water, he lost 8 pounds during the ordeal.


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