
It's been a while since I've made a nice Sunday breakfast and it's been quite a few years since I've had an omelette, so I decided I needed to do something about that this past weekend. I hate to admit this, but the majority of our kids haven't even had an omelette, so I definitely needed to remedy this. These were such a hit, I apparently now have to make more omelettes. What I love about this breakfast is that it customizeable to each person, so there are no complaints. Also, with all the fresh veggies, it doesn't make you feel guilty for eating the whole thing. Make this the next time you are in the mood for something different for breakfast and the whole family will be sure to love it!

What's cooking in my kitchen this week:

What you'll need:
2-3 dozen eggs*
1 package bacon
1 package diced ham
1 green bell pepper
1/2 red onion
4 mushrooms
3-4 green onions
2-3 cups shredded cheddar cheese
fresh rosemary
fresh thyme
ground black pepper

*Note: each person will need 2-3 eggs, or 4 if you have a growing football player like me. Also, you can add to or subtract any of these ingredients based on you and your family's tastes, expect for the eggs, salt, ground black pepper, and milk. 

How to make it:
First, any raw meats you got need to be cooked, so get to cooking that bacon! Once fully cooked, crumble and put in small bowl and set aside.

Next, prep all the veggies by dicing or slicing into bite size pieces. Place each veggie in a small separate bowl and set aside. Also, chop up the fresh rosemary and thyme and place together in small bowl.

Put the diced ham and shredded cheese in separate bowls and get your mise en place all set up.

To the mise en place, get your eggs and grab a couple of coffee mugs to crack eggs into for each omelette made.

Grab a couple more small bowls and leave them empty - I know, it seems like I used every last small bowl I had for this meal! This allows everyone to put in whatever ingredients they want in their omelette. Now you are ready to start cooking. If you have a lot of omelettes to make, I suggest using two pans as it goes faster. Keep the Pam handy as you will want to spray the pans down before each omelette you make to ensure the egg doesn't stick to the pan. Crack 2-3 eggs in each coffee cup and season with a little salt and ground black pepper, and if people want the fresh rosemary and thyme. Add a splash of milk and beat eggs with fork. Turn heat on stovetop to medium-low, you don't want to cook eggs too fast or they won't be light and fluffy. Pour eggs into pan and let cook for 3-4 minutes until bottom starts to look cooked, but top still looks runny.

Add ingredients that were picked out for each omelette to one side and let cook for another 3-4 minutes until the eggs are no longer runny, but don't look quite done.

Flip side of egg that doesn't have anything over ingredients and let cook another 2-3 minutes until eggs are completely cooked. If eggs look a little runny at this point still, place lid over pan so steam will cook the top - you don't really want to mess with trying to flip these.

Once fully cooked, take from pan and put on plate. You may need to use two spatulas as the fully loaded omelettes can be pretty heavy and want to fall apart if you only use one spatula. Serve immediately and enjoy!

See, I did use two pans!

Did you know?
On this day in 1936, the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile is invented. It is a giant hot dog on wheels. Invented by Carl Mayer, nephew of Oscar Mayer, it was built by General Body Company at Chicago, Illinois. There are now a fleet of six.


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